Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

acclaim \uh-KLEYM\, verb:
  1. to welcome with loud approval; praise highly
  2. a shout or show of approval
c 1320 from Latin acclamare "to shout" from medieval Latin acclamare "to claim."
  • What happens to your first career after you appear on American Idol
"I recorded that first album, and it did pretty good. But sales are dropping, I can't get any press, and I guess I feel like I'm American Idling"
What is the highest price ever paid by the United States for a territorial acquisition?
  • $25 million—for the Virgin Islands, which were purchased from Denmark in 1917 at the outset of World War I, when U.S. control of the Panama Canal and the Caribbean Basin was considered rucial.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:
  • "Start every day with a smile, and get it over with." — W.C. Fields