Tuesday, January 06, 2009

WTF 7?

If it's tax season, then the MTA will be doing track work on the #7 line. This is an annual event. Riders are inconvenienced for MONTHS at a time while repairs are being done. I don't mind repairs, but how is it that one quarter of each year is dedicated to repairs on this line each year? Seems like it might be easier just to build a new line. In addition, with all the repairs the #7 Express seems to go down anytime there is rain, snow, or any other form of ill weather. What good are the upgrades and repairs when the line is still fraught with problems?

So last weekend was weekend number one of the current set of repairs. The line will be closed from Queensborough Plaza to Times Square over week nights from 11:30PM - 5:00 AM as well as entire weekends.
Oh, and the MTA wants to increase fares. Pay more to be inconvenienced. Right.