Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Buckcherry tip!‏

From Linda:

Hey Bob-

How are you? Found another cool music-related tip, this time involving Buckcherry! They won me over with "Crazy Bitch" :) I actually saw their acoustic-y type of performance from your blog and looooooooooved it. It's cool to see them perform an acoustic set. I actually think it makes them rock more!

Today I came across some free download promotion that iheartmusic is doing with Buckcherry. i was skeptic at first but i downloaded the song and everything worked fine. the coolest part though is that they are giving away the acoustic version of "Don't Go Away". i believe it's the actual audio version from their acoustic performance. this is the performance I'm referring to:


anyways, i thought it'd be cool to show your blog readers. esp the ones who like Buckcherry of course. the email i got said the promotion runs for a week only so I'd mention that to if you want.

Till the next time i find something cool :)


I believe the link to the actual free download promotion is actually this link here:


The other one was the performance i was referring and what i just sent you is where i downloaded the actual song for FREE :)

Thanks Linda!