Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

erstwhile \URST-hwahyl\, adjective, adverb;

  • Also used as an adverb, meaning formerly.: former
by 1569, from Middle English erest "soonest, earliest" + while.

  • any time after 12:00pm to start pouring cold ones
My morning has sucked a fat one, I cant wait for the drafternoon.
What automobile part has an inertia reel?
  • A seat belt. The inertia reel permits the wearer free movement, but locks on impact or when there’s a sudden jolt.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:


Heff said...

We need to dig Ronald Reagan's ass up, and put him back in the White House.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

The Ronald Zombie would do a better job than Mr Wishy Washy we have now.