A couple of elderly clients just arrived. They were 15 minutes late for their appointment, and have already taken up hours of office time with previous visits so when another client dropped in to pick-up in the meantime the boss saw her. In the few minutes that she was in the office the old folks showed up. They were incensed that they were being made to wait.
"We had an appointment at 10:30," the wife whined.
"It's okay, " I said, "she was just a drop in, I'll let the boss know you're here."
"Well she can DROP OUT," the husband curmudgeoned.
This coming from people who were late to their own meeting time. I guess you can't inconvenience people who have nothing else to do with their time.
These sound like the same type of people that drive down the road at a blistering 15mph speed. Damn, that irritates the shit out of me.
You'd think that the octogenarians would be in a rush since they have limited time before they check out.
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