Thursday, April 16, 2009

Turtle Thursday: Time to lounge around

My pets sure have the life. Pictured are Lord Tyrannus (left) with his Queen, Snappy enjoying some leisure time under their basking lamp. Now that April 15th has past I can do some of that, too!


Heff said...

I'm just wondering how he got the name "Lord, Ty 'r anus".

Bobby "the Blue" said...

When I got my turtles years ago, I wanted to give them harsh names. I wanted to name mine, "Killer, Tyranny, Anarchy, Slasher, Mauler" and other unpleasant names. It was meant to be funny since they were all so cute and friendly. But my gf (now my wife) insisted on other names. The only one that took was Tyranny. I would see him lounging about the tank like he owned the place, so I started calling him Lord Tyrannus. Then Star Wars came out with new movies with Count Dooku being called Lord Tyrannus of teh Sith. A vile hate-filled enemy. I thought it was too funny so I insist on calling Ty "Lord Tyrannus" since he's the polar opposite of the character by the same name.

steve said...

Sweet pic Bob - they do have the life, thanks to you of course. Hope you enjoy your break man!

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Thanks Steve! I hope you're spring break was pleasant!