What was the first musical instrument on which the Christmas carol “Silent Night” was performed?
- A guitar. The carol, played on Christmas Eve 1818 at St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf, Austria, was based on a poem written by assistant pastor Joseph Mohr that had been set to music by church organist Franz Gruber.
Who were Katy the Kangaroo, Elmo the Elephant, and Newt the Gnu?
- Animated characters created along with Tony the Tiger to compete in a 1952 ad campaign for the job of representing Kellogg’s Sugar Frosted Flakes. Tony and Katy initially tied and were pictured on cereal boxes, but after a year, Tony was declared the sole winner.
- the act of putting christmas decoration reindeer into various sexual positions.
We're going to go reindeer gaming tonight. My neighbors just bought two new reindeers and they're just asking for it
Jingle Bowels- Gastrointestinal woes following a night of holiday overindulgence
Someone spiked the eggnog and Justin spent copious porcelain time after waking up with a wicked case of the Jingle Bowels.
What a great resource!
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