Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

dolorous \DOH-luh-ruhs\, adjective:

  • Marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.
Dolorous derives from Latin dolor, "pain, grief, sorrow," from dolere, "to suffer pain, to grieve."
Gift Parasite
  • A person who adds their name to a gift tag in order to claim partial credit for giving the gift.
I'm totally broke so I had to be a gift parasite and sign on that present you're giving Grandma.
Where did New Mexican judge Jack Love get the idea for the electronic bracelet that’s now widely used to monitor prisoners being held under house arrest?
  • From a Spider-Man comic strip published in 1977. In the strip, Spider-Man is being tracked by a transmitter that had been attached to his wrist by the villain Kingpin.
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