Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

palliate \PAL-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:

  1. To make (an offense or crime) seem less serious; extenuate.
  2. To make less severe or intense; mitigate.
  3. To relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder.
Palliate derives from Late Latin palliatus, past participle of palliare, "to cloak, to conceal," from Latin pallium, "cloak."
Short story long
  • Something that could have been told in a more concise way but is dragged out because the teller doesn't know how to tell a story. It's a play on the annoying clarifier, "Long story short," people use to sum up a digression, which really never seems to be that short anyway. So instead you say the opposite.
So I was walking into the store the other day, I wanted to get some aspirin because I had this massive headache and I walked down aisle four but they only had Tylenol but that doesn't work and I went to the counter and short story long this guy was holding up the store!
Hanukkah How many commandments—or mitzvot—from God are listed in the Torah?
  • 613.
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