Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

largess \lar-ZHES; lar-JES; LAR-jes\, noun; also largesse:

  1. Generous giving (as of gifts or money), often accompanied by condescension.
  2. Gifts, money, or other valuables so given.
  3. Generosity; liberality.
Largess is from Old French largesse, "largeness, generosity," from large, from Latin largus, "plentiful, generous."
  1. The feeling of being overworked, underappreciated and like you don't exist to others during the holidays while in actuality the season's success depends on you.
  2. The sense of being 3 feet small when others would view you in high stature if they realized all you do to make the holiday's happen.
I think Hermey is having some elf-esteem issues. He's pulling the stuffing out of all the teddy bears.
What Pulitzer Prize Winning novelist helped Truman Capote do research for his book In Cold Blood?
  • Harper Lee, a childhood friend of Capote’s and author of the 1961 Pulitzer winner To Kill a Mockingbird.
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