Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

cogitate \KOJ-uh-tayt\, intransitive verb:

  1. To think deeply or intently; to ponder; to meditate.
  2. To think about; to ponder on; to meditate upon; to plan or plot.
Cogitate comes from Latin cogitare, "to turn over in one's mind, to reflect, to think, to consider," from co- + agitare, "to put in constant motion, to drive about," from agere, "to drive." It is related to agitate.
Wiper Beat
  • When the windshield wipers on your car sync up with the music on your car radio.
Oh snap! Check out the wiper beat! That song is way sicker with that hotness!
How was comedian Fran Drescher’s beloved pet Pomeranian listed in the credits for her TV sitcom The Nanny and the 1990 movie Cadillac Man?
  • As Chester Drescher. After Chester died in 2000, the actress adopted another Pomeranian, a female she named Esther Drescher.
Today in History
Today's Birthdays


Anonymous said...

According to Correll, Monaghan was forced to rechristen the store as Domino’s when Dominick complained he was "besmirching his name" with a lousy product.
This kind of pizza has been named after the Queen as Pizza Margherita.