This is just the audio version of his book. If you read the book you do not need to listen to this. It's the same wah wah waaaah I can't control myself content but WORSE! Yep, hearing his voice reading the book makes it worse, then to have him ABANDON the reading halfway through because of heroine withdrawal it turns your stomach. Inadvertently he created a new chapter of I am completely out of control that makes you annoyed with him. Another chapter of chances given to him that he squanders and STILL had the good luck to land on his feet afterwards. You just want to grab him by the lapels (if he ever wore a shirt with a collar that is) and shake some sense into him.
Nothing new in this. If you read the book, don't punish yourself while supporting his drug habit by getting this edition as well.
Nothing new in this. If you read the book, don't punish yourself while supporting his drug habit by getting this edition as well.
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