Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

countervail \kown-tur-VAYL\, transitive verb:

  1. To act against with equal force, power, or effect; to counteract.
  2. To compensate for; to offset; to furnish or serve as an equivalent to.
intransitive verb:
  1. To exert force against an opposing, often bad, influence or power.
Countervail derives from Old French contrevaloir, from contre-, "counter-" (from Latin contra, "against") + valoir, "to be worth" (from Latin valere, "to be strong, to avail").
Towel permanence
  • The need or desire to use the same towel each time after showering. This may be a favorite towel with sentimental value, or the beach sized one that covers all your parts. This condition is frequently only suffered by one member of a family, causing much frustration upon finding that someone else has used "your" towel.
Boy: "Mom, where's my green towel?"
Mom: "It's in the wash, hon. I used it to dry off the dog earlier."
What is the heaviest flying bird alive today?
  • The kori bustard, a native of East Africa and South Africa that can fly in short bursts. The male typically weighs about 40 pounds. The heaviest kori bustard on record weighed 48 pounds.
Today in history
Today's birthdays


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Thank goodness some bloggers can still write. Thank you for this post..

Anonymous said...

You could not be more factual..

Anonymous said...

An all round well written blog post!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness some bloggers can still write. Thanks for this blog post!!!

Anonymous said...

Extremely well written blog post.