Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

apposite \AP-uh-zit\, adjective:

  • Being of striking appropriateness and relevance; very applicable; apt.
Apposite comes from Latin appositus, past participle of apponere, "to set or put near," from ad-, "to, toward" + ponere, "to put, to place."
guinea fridge
  • a refrigeration unit or freezer that resides in the garage
Vinny put the oversized manicotti tray in the guinea fridge after Christmas because the fridge in the kitchen was filled with other leftovers.
What U.S. sports trophy features sterling silver bas-relief likenesses of its winners?
  • The Borg-Warner Trophy, which is awarded annually to the winner of the Indianapolis 500 auto race.


Berfdays, yo!


Anonymous said...

I am the sort of hombre who enjoys to seek fresh stuff. Presently I'm making my hold pv panels. I am doing it all by myself without the aid of my staff. I am using the net as the only way to acheive that. I ran across a truly amazing website that explains how to contruct solar panels and so on. The website explains all the steps required to diy solar panel construction.

I'm not really sure about how correct the data given there iz. If some experts over here who have xp with these things can have a look and give your feedback in the page it would be grand and I'd really appreciate it, cause I really like solar panel construction.

Thanks for reading this. U guys rock.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

That's true. My details about solar panels in this post are top notch!