Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

egregious \ih-GREE-juhs\, adjective:
  • Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible.
Egregious derives from Latin egregius, separated or chosen from the herd, from e-, ex-, out of, from + grex, greg-, herd, flock. Egregious was formerly used with words importing a good quality (that which was distinguished "from the herd" because of excellence), but now it is joined with words having a bad sense. It is related to congregate (to "flock together," from con-, together, with + gregare, to assemble, from grex); segregate (from segregare, to separate from the herd, from se-, apart + gregare); and gregarious (from gregarius, belonging to a flock).
  • A reply posted when someone puts a status on facebook, myspace, etc. Sarcastically shows that you care, and are going to write the status down in a notebook, when you really dont care at all about the status.
Facebook Status- John Smith is goin to the movies
What mammal has the densest fur?
  • The sea otter, the smallest of the marine mammals, which has up to a million hairs per square inch on its back.