Friday, March 05, 2010

NOT a good look

I had to pick up some paperwork from a client for a write up. As usual she hands me her information in what is essentially a big purse. I usually try to tuck the handles in and carry it like a briefcase, but I'm fooling no one -- it's still a fucking purse!

so, en route back to the office I see an amazing ass ahead of me. It belongs to the girl I refer to the naughty librarian (thanks for the term Heff) looking chickenhead down the block. So I walk by being as collected as I can be and exchange a little small talk with this hot chick on her smoke break. However I know no matter how smooth I might've been, it was all for naught because I was carrying A FUCKING PURSE, DAMNIT! Not a good look. I think I'll drink it off tonight. No work tomorrow anyway.

Mrs. Bax0jayz will laugh her ass off when she reads this, I KNOW it!