Saturday, March 06, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

masticate \MAS-tih-kayt\, transitive verb:

  1. To grind or crush with or as if with the teeth in preparation for swallowing and digestion; to chew; as, "to masticate food."
  2. To crush or knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp.
intransitive verb:
  1. To chew food.
Masticate comes from the past participle of Late Latin masticare, "to chew," from Greek mastichan, "to gnash the teeth." The noun form is mastication.
  • to fall while skiing or snowboarding and leaving a trail of gear behind them
that two-planker is having a yardsale down there
In dog sledding, what command does the musher customarily give to get his or her team going?
  • Hike. Mush is rarely used.
  • Toronto: Canada's largest city, and one of the most livable cities in the world, was incorporated (1834)
  • the Alamo: fort was overrun by Mexican troops during the Texas revolution; all inside were killed (1836)
  • Dred Scott case (1857): US Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens; the decision was overturned a decade later by the 14th amendment