Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

sachet \sa-SHEY\, noun:

  1. A small bag, case, or pad containing perfuming powder or the like, placed among handkerchiefs, etc., to impart a pleasant scent.
  2. Also, sachet powder, the powder contained in such a case.
Sachet can be confused with sashay, "to move, easily or nonchalantly."
Business Buzzed
  • an acceptable level of intoxication for business situations.
#1 There was an open bar but my boss was there so I could only get business buzzed.
# 2 We were slammed with TPS reports so we decided to crack open a couple beers and get business buzzed.

What does the PF in PF Flyers sneakers stand for?

  • Posture Foundation, which was the name patented for the sneaker’s insole by manufacturer BF Goodrich in 1933.

  • Amistad case: the US Supreme Court ruled that the mutineers had been taken into slavery illegally and should be freed (1841)
  • See It Now: TV newsmagazine aired an episode critical of the communist-hunting Sen. Joseph McCarthy; it contributed to the senator's eventual downfall (1954)
  • Barbie: foot-high fashion doll — full name: Barbie Millicent Roberts — was launched at the New York Toy Fair; a billion have now been sold (1959)
  • New York Times v. Sullivan: the US Supreme Court protected the press from libel suits by public figures unless there was actual malice (1964)