Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

eructation \ih-ruhk-TAY-shuhn\, noun:

  • The act of belching; a belch.
Eructation comes from Latin eructatio, from eructare, from e-, "out" + ructare, "to belch."
Talk in Third Person Day
  • An internet holiday on every third of March. You refer to yourself in the third person.
Say your name was John.
"John ate dinner."
"John went to the doctor."
"John is celebrating Talk in Third Person Day."
Which state’s motto was taken from a letter written by a Revolutionary War general to members of his company?
  • New Hampshire’s “Live free or die.” The words were part of a toast Brigadier General John Stark sent in 1809, declining an invitation to the 32nd-anniversary reunion of the Battle of Bennington because of ill health. His full toast was “Live free or die; death is not the worst of evils.”