Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In Print: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: Complete & Unabridged (Word for Word)Next up in the five book trilogy of the Hitchhiker's Guide is The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. It picks up right at the moment that the first book ended and continues with your favorite characters through more strange adventures across the universe.

What starts off as a journey to find something to eat turns into a disappointing quest for the true ruler of the universe. Eventually they finally DO get to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe for the spectacular show that the end can only bring. Then they steal a spaceship with a date with a sun and ends up with your favorite characters scattered in space and time.

The book is more of the same humor from the first book. So if that's your thing, you'll like this time. I did. I had several good belly laughs at some of the jokes and Marvin the Paranoid Android became my favorite character. I was unhappy how they left him, but maybe he'll show up again. Somehow.

Fun to read sci-fi, give it a shot!