Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Review Tuesday: The Master Mind of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (1928, #6)

The "Barsoom Series" continues! In 1928 the SIXTH book in the series, The Master Mind of Mars, came out. The main difference in this novel is that it's not about John Carter, his wife Deja Thoris, nor their children. This book's hero is another Earthling, Captain Ulysses Paxton was transported from the front lines of war in France to the wastes of Mars.

Then the adventure begins! Paxton is immediately employed by the medical genius Ras Thavas and give the name Vad Vero. While conducting all sorts of transplant surgery an awful old hag Jeddara by the name of Xaxa has her withered ancient body swapped with the delicious young Valla Dia. After that Paxton becomes obsessed with Valla Dia and vows to restore her beautiful mind into her matching bodacious body. As you can imagine, this is no simple task and the rest of the book is dedicated to retrieving the body for a distant land and overcoming dangers and obstacles the entire way.

Wikipedia weighs the book in at over three hundred pages. I read it in Kindle format so it seemed to breeze by rather quickly for a Burroughs novel. Or maybe it was a little easier to read and that made the pages fly? At any rate, it was a fun adventure and I felt compelled to keep turning those pages until I got to the rather surprising end. Well played, Ned. Didn't see that one coming!

You can find it on AMAZON