compotation \kom-puh-TEY-shuhn\, noun:
- An act or instance of drinking or tippling together.
This lively term is derived from a Latin translation compōtātiō of the Greek word symposium or "a convivial meeting for drinking and intellectual conversation."
5 To 3 Scale
- A scale used to amaze and confuse stoners and otherwise slow people.
Person 1: Dude, on a 5 to 3 scale, how high are you right now?
Person 2: .....WHAT?!
- Tomorrow
- J'accuse: French journalist Emile Zola published his defense of Alfred Dreyfus, the army captain falsely convicted of treason because he was Jewish (1898)
- Henry Ford: patented his plastic car, which ran on ethanol; the plastic was soybean-based, and the car was unsuccessful (1942)
- L. Douglas Wilder: became the first African American elected governor of a US state — Virginia (1990)
- The Fantasticks: the world's longest-running musical ended its off-Broadway run after 17,162 shows and nearly 42 years (2002)
- Horatio Alger 1834
- Sophie Tucker 1884
- Alfred Fuller 1885
- Earle Wheeler 1908
- Butter (Quentin) Jackson 1909
- Jeff Morrow 1913
- Robert Stack 1919
- Gwen Verdon 1926
- Frances Sternhagen 1930
- Robert ‘Squirrel’ Lester (The Chi-Lites) 1930
- Charles Nelson Reilly 1931
- Billy Gray 1938
- Richard Moll 1943
- Trevor Rabin (Yes) 1954
- Kevin Anderson 1960
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus 1961
- Graham McPherson (Madness) 1961
- Penelope Ann Miller 1964
- Patrick Dempsey 1966
- Anna Marie Goddard 1970 (actress / playmate)
- Nicole Eggert 1972
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