After DEJAH THORIS is severely injured in a crash, JOHN CARTER sets off with his trusted guard VOR DAJ go in search of the "Mastermind of Mars" RAS THAVAS to save her. They end up finding an unimaginable adventure.
This story, while about John Carter and Dejah Thoris is told from the first person perspective of Vor Daj. Couple that with a usual Barsoom formula, and you have a serious adventure.
This tome is largely about the concepts of genetic engineering and cloning technology, and how it can go horribly wrong. Since the last time we heard from Ras Thavas, he attempted to clone an army of synthetic men called Hormads to retake his fortress. They were manlike creatures created in vats and how they turned out was completely random. Some were acceptable creatures, while limbs might be mismatched and features shuffled, and others would be unacceptable creatures unable to function in any way. The rejects were carved up and tossed back in the vats to be used to form some other creature. Unfortunately for Ras Thavas, his Hormads took over his current complex and put him to work so they can build an army to conquer the planet!
If this is a tale of harsh life on Barsoom, you know that there has to be a love interest. Whilst the tale may be about John Carter trying to rescue his beloved but troubleprone bride, it is told by Vor Daj, so there must be some love interest. While they are in the clutches of the Hormads another prisoner, a princess named Janai is also captured. From that point on Vor Daj does everything in his power to protect John Carter and the beautiful Janai, the object of his affections.
The big departure in this story is the way John Carter heads back to Helium with Ras Thavas while Vor Daj stayed behind to rescue Janai. All through the escape you're left wondering how did John Carter's escape work out, and what new race of people will capture Vor Daj and Janai next!
All your usual ups and downs, with the impending fear of doom from the Hormad vats going out of control, threatening the entire planet. An extraordinarily happy ending to this one that leaves you thinking. If you got this far in teh series, you should just keep on with it. You can read it for FREE at Project Gutenberg:
http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100231.txtPictured: various works of art based on this story. Cred to artists and original uploaders.
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