Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Snakehead Fish reported in NYC?!?!?


A menace has been let loose into New York waters, and I don't mean pollutants or medical waste, we're talking about the dreaded SNAKEHEAD FISH.

Native to parts of Asia and as far up as parts of the former USSR, the Snakehead fish is a family of invasive relentless predators that will eat anything in their path. They can even breath air so land isn't even an obstacle. Featured on many shows such as River Monsters, etc. and often referred to as FISHZILLA, the Snakehead is a menace to any ecosystem it's been introduced into.

The most recent ecosystem in danger is that of NYS and NYC. The fish have been CAUGHT in the Harlem Meer, in the northeastern corner of Central Park. People are being told that if they catch them, DO NOT return them to the water. KILL ON SIGHT. I wonder if they are good eating?

More here:
and here: