Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday - Who's really greedy?

I've been having an ongoing discussion with a friend for weeks now regarding BLACK FRIDAY. In the USA, BLACK FRIDAY is the day after Thanksgiving and the biggest shopping day for the Christmas Holiday season. Some companies base their holiday predictions on THIS ONE DAY of shopping.

Businesses have been coming up with all sorts of gimmicks to get people into their stores for years. Huge savings and opening early has been par for the course for years. However, stores have been opening up earlier and earlier each passing year. This year some stores won't even close for Thanksgiving. As a result all of your bleeding hearts are screaming that the big businesses are disgusting, forcing families apart on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is ruined due to "corporate greed."

But whose greed is this really about? If people cared about family they wouldn't be camping out at BEST BUY's front door a week in advance for the door buster sales. 


If people were truly insensed over stores being open for Thanksgiving then they should stop going. If they won't shop at these places for their door busters then the stores won't open. It's simply supply and demand. There is a demand for stores to have master blaster sales and to open as early as possible for the Christmas shopping season and the stores are accommodating it. If you want to blame anyone for greed, yell at the people crowded at WALMART on Thanksgiving Day.