Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

foofaraw \ FOO-fuh-raw \ , noun; 
  1. a great fuss or disturbance about something very insignificant. 
  2. an excessive amount of decoration or ornamentation, as on a piece of clothing, a building, etc. 
Origin: The origin of foofaraw is uncertain, but it may be related to the French word fanfaron meaning "boastful." It entered English in the 1930s. 

bullshit bingo
  • A game that can be played in large meetings. The players write down management-nonsense word like "Out-of-the-box-thinking", "Synergy", "Content streamlining" etc. in a 5 by 5 square bingo card. If a word or phrase is used during the meeting you check the box. When you get a five box line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally ) you shout "BULLSHIT!" and win.
Company bigshot fancypants: "And that is why this merger is going to benefit shareholder value by creating value driven content.
Company bigshot fancypants: "You're fired!"

  • 1812 Overture: Tchaikovsky's classic overture debuted in Moscow, commemorating Russia's defense against Napoleon (1880; Gregorian date)
  • RAF: UK prime minister Winston Churchill saluted his country's air force with the statement, ''Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" (1940)
  • Economic Opportunity Act 0f 1964: LBJ signed the act — part of his Great Society policies — that would give life to programs like Head Start
  • Prague Spring: brief period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia ended when the country was invaded by Warsaw Pact troops and tanks (1968)
  • Voyager 2: space probe left Earth to tour Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; it continues to transmit data as it leaves the solar system (1977)
  • Bernardo O’Higgins 1778
  • Emily Bronte 1818
  • Benjamin Harrison (U.S.) 1833
  • Edgar Guest 1881
  • H.P. Lovecraft 1890
  • Van Johnson 1916
  • Walter Bernstein 1919
  • Jacqueline Susan 1921
  • Jim Reeves 1924
  • Frank Rosolino 1926
  • Joya Sherrill 1927
  • Don King 1931
  • Frank Capp-Pierce (Capp-Pierce Juggernaut) 1931
  • Ron Paul 1935
  • Justin Tubb 1935
  • Sam Melville 1936
  • Isaac Hayes 1942
  • Rahiv Ghandi (India) 1944
  • Connie Chung 1946
  • Jim Pankow 1947 - Musician (Chicago)
  • Robert Plant 1948 - Musician (Led Zeppelin)
  • Phyl Lynott 1951 - Musician (Thin Lizzy)
  • John Hiatt 1952
  • Michael Jeter 1952
  • Doug Fieger 1952 - Musician (The Knack)
  • Rudy Gatlin 1952 - Musician (The Gatlin Brothers)
  • Peter Horton 1953
  • Al Roker 1954 - Telvision personality
  • Quinn Buckner 1954
  • Jay Acovone 1955
  • Joan Allen 1956
  • James Marsters 1962
  • KRS-One 1965
  • Darrell Abbott 1966 - Guitarist (Pantera)
  • Jonathan Ke Quan 1971
  • Amy Adams 1974
  • Monique Powell 1975 - Musician (Save Ferris)
  • Demi Lovato 1992 - Actress and singer