frisson \ free-SOHN; Fr . free-SAWN \ , noun;
- a sudden, passing sensation of excitement; a shudder of emotion; thrill: The movie offers the viewer the occasional frisson of seeing a character in mortal danger.
Origin: Frisson entered English in 1770s from the French word for "shiver" or "shudder."
- Acronym. Stands for "If you know what I mean". Mainly used in instant messaging conversations. Can also be used in conjunction with "AITYD" (and I think you do).
"I could really go for a tossed salad for lunch."
"Oh, I've got a salad for you to toss, IYKWIM...AITYD.
- Jadwiga: blonde blue-eyed beauty became "king" of Poland (1384)
- Battle of Cajamarca: conquistador Francisco Pizarro massacred thousands of Incas in a surprise attack in Peru, and captured the emperor Atahualpa (1532)
- Native Americans surrender to British in Indian War of Chief Pontiac (1764)
- Federal Reserve System formally opens in the US (1914)
- US-USSR relations: FDR extended formal diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union (1933)
- Sound of Music: the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical opened on Broadway (1959)
- Skylab 4 launched into Earth orbit (1973)
- Burgess Meredith 1908
- Daws Butler 1916
- Clu Gulager 1928
- Hubert Sumlin 1931
- Elizabeth Drew 1935
- Joanna Pettet 1944
- Steve Railsback 1948
- David Leisure 1950
- Mani (The Stone Roses) 1962
- Zina Garrison-Jackson 1963
- Dwight Gooden (MLB) 1964
- Lisa Bonet 1967
Suzi Simpson 1968 - from Athens Greece, playmate (Jan, 1992)
- Tammy Lauren 1969
- Martha Plimpton 1970
- Oksana Baiul 1977
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