Now Playing (Box Office)
- The Jungle Book $103.6M
- Barbershop: The Next Cut $20.2M
- The Boss $10.2M
- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice $9.0M
- Zootopia $8.2M
I heard a news report that the studios were surprised by the over-performance of THE JUNGLE BOOK as well as the under-performance of BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT. Why? The Jungle Book is a live action movie based on a childhood classic. I'm surprised they DIDN'T expect it, because I did! Then we have Barbershop. It cost so little to make and the fact that it's a comedy should tell us that it would never be a blockbuster and passing $20 mill is pretty impressive.
I think this is the time to discuss BvS. Marvel fans are calling it a failure, DC fans are saying it did better than several Marvel movies. The truth is that the DC fanboys spent MONTHS talking about how BvS will show the Marvel Universe how a movie should be made and how fans really react to a movie. They are comparing the "low budget" Marvel movies and the admitted failures. $300+ mill is am impressive number without a doubt. But considering all the trash talking from fans, it's not what we were promised. At least we got to see Gal Gadot in that SCHWINGtastic costume!

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