Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Review Tuesday: The Strain - Fourth / Final Season

Fourth / Final Season
After the events of season three, the planet is plunged into nuclear winter, with no daylight, allowing the strigoi to take over and harvest the human survivors. The only defense are small pockets of resistance with a desperate plan to take down The Master. 
Season Four is largely based on book three of The Strain Trilogy, The Night Eternal but the writers trimmed out all of the theology. What was left was our cast of characters trying to find the only weapon that can kill The Master and hatch the most desperate plan imaginable. 

While I have maintained all along that I have been somewhat disappointed in the way the writers have deviated from the books, they managed to bring it to the proper conclusion. I would call this  a very different vampire story, and very different from the source material, but mostly pleasing to watch.

Catch it on AMAZON:
Details on IMDB: