effervescent \ef-er-VES-uhnt\, adjective:
1. High-spirited; vivacious; lively.2. Effervescing; bubbling.
Effervescent originated as a French verb in the 1650s meaning, 'the action of boiling up' (as in water), though it did not assume its figurative meaning relating to personality until 1748.
floor sample
- Food that has fallen to the floor that you pick up and eat anyway
Chase was making a ham sandwich in the kitchen one sunny afternoon. Clumsily, he dropped a slice of ham on the floor, but picked it up remembering the 3-second rule, exclaiming "floor sample!". His mother shuddered with disgust.
- Kitty Hawk: the Wright brothers successfully conducted the first controlled, sustained flight of a motor-powered airplane; they had been building flying devices for less than five years (1903)
- Japanese American internment: the US army announced that it would no longer hold Japanese Americans in relocation centers, allowing "evacuees" to return home (1944)
- Harold Holt: the Australian prime minister went missing and was presumed drowned while swimming off the coast of Portsea, Victoria (1967)
- Project Blue Book: US Air Force investigation into UFOs was terminated; the conclusion was that sightings were due to mass hysteria, hoaxes, mistakes and the like (1969)
- The Simpsons: the longest-running prime-time animated series premiered on Fox (1989)
- NAFTA: trade agreement was signed by Canada, the US and Mexico (1992)
- Humphry Davy 1778
- Joseph Henry 1797
- John Greenleaf Whittier 1807
- Arthur Fiedler 1896
- Erskine Caldwell 1903
- Willard Libby 1908
- Sy Oliver 1910
- Joan Woodbury 1915
- Richard Long 1927
- Julia Meade (Kunza) 1928
- William Safire 1929
- Armin Mueller-Stahl 1930
- George Lindsey 1935
- Tommy Steele (Rock with the Caveman) 1936
- Nat Stuckey 1937
- Art Neville (The Neville Brothers) 1937
- Eddie Kendricks (The Temptations) 1939
- Paul Butterfield (Paul Butterfield Blues Band) 1942
- Dave Dee (Harmon) 1943
- Bernard Hill 1944
- Ernie Hudson 1945
- Christopher Cazenove 1945
- Eugene Levy 1946
- Wes Studi 1947
- Paul Rodgers (Free, Bad Company) 1949
- Wanda Huntchinson (The Emotions) 1951
- Bill Pullman 1953
- Sharon White 1953
- Barry Livingston 1953
- Mike Mills (R.E.M.) 1958
- Sarah Dallin (Bananarama) 1961
- Tim Chewning (Ricochet) 1962
- Duane Propes 1966
Laurie Holden 1969 (TWD, The X-Files) - Sean Patrick Thomas 1970
- Sarah Paulson 1974
- Marissa Ribisi 1974
- Giovanni Ribisi 1974
- Bree Sharp 1975
- Milla Jovovich 1975
- Vanessa Zima 1986

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