Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Review Tuesday: Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2

Season 2
Captain Pike from the Enterprise takes command of the Discovery as the crew goes on another adventure with Michael Burnham in the middle of it all. 
With people cutting the cable and only buying services that they actually need, you find all sorts of new pay services popping up online. CBS might have been the first network to offer up an online paid option to compete with Amazon and Netflicks. Their first draw was the new Star Trek franchise, DISCOVERY. Apparently season one went along well enough that they were cleared for a season TWO. 

This is a very involved season. If you don't pay attention for the wrong minute you could end up lost. It starts up with Spock (?!?!) being on the run because he was accused of murdering three people. In tracking Spock down the Discovery, currently under the leadership of Captain Pike. From there it's a mission of wonder, knowledge, might, and perfidy. Characters get developed only to be killed off in the next scene. There were TWO things you could count on:
  1. Burham being dramatic.
  2. Pike being AWESOME. 
I have to say, the shining star of Season 2 was Captain Pike by a long shot. Fans adored him so much that I have already seen petitions asking for a new Star Trek series around Captain Pike. Besides that aspect, I'd say that the show moved pretty well. The fact that it's a paid-premium show, you do have a little more edge than you'd have on television.

I liked this season way more than the first season. And they cleared a season three already. 

Get it on CBS all access.