Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Review Tuesday: Crush the Skull (2015)

A group of terrible home burglars choose the wrong house to rob. 
One night Mrs Bax0jayz and I agreed to watch this movie solely based on the title. Come on! CRUSH THE SKULL? Gotta find out what this is all about!

A group of the worst burglars need to pull off one last heist then they can get out of the business. Unfortunately they rely on the wrong guy and get get caught up in a world of snuff film creators. 

This movie is something of a dark comedy crossed with how to survive a horror movie. It's pretty fun to watch and has a good amount of  suspense. It's filmed quite well. The cast seems a little off with a way too hot girlfriend, but hey, she helps the watch-ability of the movie. 

The curious part of the movie is the title. Believe me when I say pay attention right up to the very end to get it. Worth your time! Fun!