Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Review Tuesday: The House on Pine Street [2016]

The House on Pine Street
Strange things begin to occur when a couple move into an old house. 
Mrs Bax0jayz felt like watching a horror movie and selected this. It starts with a couple checking out a house. The wife is pregnant and the husband is treating her very gingerly. You are given the impression that their life in Chicago was too stressful for Jennifer (Emily Goss) and that Luke (Taylor Bottles) is bringing home to the country for a simpler life near her mother, Meredith (Cathy Barnett). While all this is for the benefit of Jennifer, she sits there with a sour puss and a slack-jaw as she complains about everything and everyone. 

Then strange things start to happen. She believes the house is haunted while she appears to descend into madness. A couple side stories are developed for no apparent reason at all other than to pad the minute count. 

Characters develop in a strange way. By the end of the movie, almost every initial assessment of the characters is reversed. The only consistent person is the chiropractor. You like him immediately and like him more with each appearance. 

I'll tell you now, I didn't care for this movie. It was dull, and entirely too long. Some good editing could've reigned it in and made it more watchable. The entire bit with the neighbor could've been skipped completely. I have a feeling the director was trying to use misdirection like a magician would to prevent you from suspecting what was going on. 

Apparently, the explanation is that everything is energy. The house had energy. Jennifer had energy. They clashed and was causing strange things to happen. Jennifer hated the house with a passion because it took her away from her beloved Chicago. So the house gave her a reason to hate it and unleashed horrors on her as a result. It wasn't really haunted, just REACTING. The ending has you HATING Jennifer. And you hate yourself for wasting almost two hours on this poor excuse of a horror / suspense / thriller movie. Steer clear.