Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Review Tuesday: INTRUDERS [2015]

Intruders (2015 film) - Wikipedia

When a group of home invaders hope to make off with an easy big haul, the tables are turned on them. 
On date night Mrs. Baxojayz wades through the various films on Amazon Prime and Tubi to come up with something to watch. Amazon hasn't been adding too much that even look interesting to her, so she found this on Tubi. (It's a free app on the Fire Stick that allows you to see movies with relatively few commercials.)

This movie starts off rather slowly. Anna (played by Beth Riesgraf) is caring for her terminally ill brother. There is definitely some odd dynamic between the two. First, he seems like he's old enough to be her father, and, secondly, that she seems to be love him and hate him at once. Before they give any details that might give you any insight into their odd relationship, the brother dies. The food delivery boy, Dan (played by Rory Culkin) seems to be the only friend Anna has. While he sits with her over lunch to offer moral support, she offers him a shopping bag full of cash to go and escape from town and start a new life. Seemingly vexed, he declines and runs off. 

This is when things get good. 
adam schindler | Tumblr
Anna is unable to bring herself to go to her brother's funeral. She has lived such a reclusive life that she fears setting foot outside. While she mulls her decision, a truck pulls up and three men start pouring out of it. Apparently Dan told his friend about the strange offering that Anna made.This friend brought two other friends with him planning to rob the house while Anna was at the funeral.

Of course, they find her in the house and a new level of sadism is introduced. Perry (Martin Starr) is not above using any means to find that payday. And right when you think this is might not be worth watching, the tables get turned. I will not go into any detail from that point on, but the film suddenly becomes WAY more intriguing. In a nutshell, these poor slobs stepping into a SAW movie and their chances of getting out are slim. 

The movie is pretty well made and does a good job of drawing you in. It has its problems, but should be worth watching if you happen to catch it.
