Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Review Tuesday: The Rise: Book 2 in the Lazarus Strain Chronicles by Sean Deville

Book 2 in the Lazarus Strain Chronicles
by Sean Deville
Accounts from around the world as the Lazarus Strain infects the world. 
After reading the first book Amazon has continually reminded me that there are additional installments in this series. I had some credits for digital content and decided to give this book a shot. 

Let it be known, I read the first book because it was offered to me for free in exchange for an honest review on Amazon. When I take such tasks I usually avoid any books that are part of a series so I don't feel compelled to go back and spend my own money on something because I needed to finish what I had started. Which is what happened this time!

This book picks up where the previous one left off. Lazarus, a highly contagious virus that turns all creatures into the living dead, was spreading around the world like wild-fire. You get to follow the characters established in the first book as their fates unravel through the pages. On the one hand, the level and depth of description and thought written across those pages is quite extraordinary. On the other hand, it's another zombie novel. To boot, these are fast moving zombies, which I loathe, and the virus creating them is like some super smart bomb. Even if you get the cure, it re-programs your brain. I cannot lie, when that happened to a main character I groaned aloud like a common movie zombie. Without special features or even a GOD-MODE, a standard zombie virus would be more than formidable and would wreck humanity shockingly quick. This strain, even hurt my ability to suspend belief while reading fiction. 
Don't get me wrong. I liked the book. I adored [most] of the characters. It's intelligent and written well. I just felt like I was growing tired of the smart zombie bomb.  
This is the second book in this series which consists of five books at the time I am writing this. I am not sure that the series is complete at five or not. At this point I do not intend to proceed further in this series.  
You can find my review for the first book HERE
Get it on AMAZON