Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Review Tuesday: MOBCon: A Nerdy Adventure In Comic Con Money Laundering by E. SPAT OKTAN

  MOBCon: A Nerdy Adventure In Comic Con Money Laundering by [E. SPAT OKTAN]
A Nerdy Adventure In Comic Con Money Laundering
Vincent's summer adventure into he world of Comic Cons and criminal activity.
This book attracted me for several reasons:
  1. The nerdy Comic Con theme.
  2. The main characters are involved in accounting.
  3. Money laundering.
  4. Karma.
  5. I went to High School with the author 
  6. We both build models! 
  When Spat announced that he was writing his first novel during the COVID-19 quarantine I was immediately curious. He teased that it was about money laundering and lots of nerdiness. As an accountant, my interest was piqued. Since my office once had a client who was involved in laundering terrorist funds, this was a topic that was close to my own heart on MANY LEVELS. 

Vincent is a college student studying to join the family business: ACCOUNTING. He also happens to be a comic book nerd. After a hitting a Con during summer break, Vincent's father Vincenzo sees this is an opportunity to launder some cash for some of his clients, thus propelling Vincent along an exciting wave of  comic book deals, cosplayers, ruthless celebs, love, and general geekiness. 

I won't go into any additional detail because I don't want to spoil anything. What I will say is that the book flows nicely, the characters are well developed, the layers of plot all make sense, and it's thoroughly enjoyable. As a fan of comic books who happens to be an accountant I can safely say that it also makes perfect sense. When I discussed the money laundering angle, they agreed it was an ingenious idea.   

I would call this book well worth your time and money to purchase and read especially if you have a nerdy side. It's entertaining and compelling and keeps you turning pages right up to the surprise ending! 

Get it on AMAZON


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