Saturday, December 11, 2021

Darth Vader and Force Lightning

 Getting In Character: Darth Vader - d20 Radio

One of the reasons why people used to say that Darth Vader was never very powerful in the Force was because he never used the lightning against his opponents. Did he never learn to create it? Not a powerful enough Sith? Or was it some other reason? I have read suggestions that it need to be emitted from flesh, and Anakin, having lost his limbs in battle with Obi Wan, didn't have any. This was something I never paid much thought to until I read a recent article with an acceptable reason. 

If Darth Vader wielded Force Lightning, it would KILL HIM. The life support apparatus would short out from the electricity and fail, like it did when Vader lifted Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi. 

A much simpler reason than expected!