Saturday, October 23, 2021

Saturday, October 23, 2021

galumph \guh-LUHM(P)F\, intransitive verb:
  • To move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.
Galumph is probably an alteration of gallop. It was coined by Lewis Carroll in the nonsense poem "Jabberwocky."
last texter
  • That friend that always sends you a meaningless text after the obvious end of a text conversation, just to get the last text. They do this while totally oblivious to their uncontrollable habit.
OMG, Jan is SUCH a last texter it drives me crazy. The other day, she sent me a text "K" back after I texted her "don't text me, in a meeting." So then I had to dig out my phone again to clear it so it wouldn't keep vibrating for the rest of the meeting!
October 23
  • National Oral Sex day. Guys and Gals shriek with excitement as October 23 rounds the corner.
“Hey babe, October 23 is today! You know what that means.... ;)

  • Brutus: committed suicide after losing to Mark Anthony and Octavian in the Second Battle of Philippi, a war fought to avenge the assassination of Julius Caesar (42 BCE)
  • War of Jenkins' Ear: British PM Robert Walpole reluctantly declared war on Spain after a ship's captain brought in his ear, pickled, and told the House of Commons it had been severed by the Spanish coast guard (1739)
  • suffragists: some 25,000 women marched in NYC, demanding the right to vote (1915)
  • Hungarian Revolution: spontaneous protest began, marking the first anti-Soviet revolt; many thousands were killed or fled; the Hungarian Republic was declared exactly 33 years later (1956)
  • iPod: digital music player, mp3 rip-off,  was launched by Apple (2001)
  • Moscow Theater Crisis: Chechen terrorists took 700 hostages; many died during a Russian raid the next day (2002)
  • Nicolas Appert 1752
  • Gertrude Ederle 1906
  • 'Bruiser' (Frank) Kinard 1914
  • James Daly 1918
  • Ewel Blackwell 1922
  • Ned Rorem 1923
  • Johnny Carson 1925
  • Sonny Criss 1927
  • Boozoo Chavis 1930
  • Diana Dors 1931
  • Jim Bunning 1931
  • Juan "Chi-Chi" Rodriguez 1935
  • Charlie Foxx 1939
  • Pelé 1940
  • Eleanor (Ellie) Greenwich 1940
  • Michael Crichton 1942
  • Barbara Ann Hawkins (The Dixie Cups) 1943
  • Greg Ridley (Spooky Tooth) 1947
  • Michael Rupert 1951
  • Pauline Black (Selecter) 1953
  • Dwight Yoakam 1956
  • Sam Raimi 1959
  • "Weird Al" Yankovic 1959
  • Doug Flutie 1962
  • Mike Tomczak (NFL) 1962
  • Roberto Agustin Trujillo 1964 - Musician (Metallica)
  • Al Leiter 1965
  • David Thomas (Take 6) 1966
  • Brian Nevin (Big Head Todd and the Monsters) 1966
  • Junior Bryant (Ricochet) 1968
  • Jimmy Wayne 1972
  • Keith Van Horn 1975
  • Ryan Reynolds 1976
  • Masiela Lusha 1985
  • Jessica Stroup 1986
  • Belle Delphine 1999 (cosplayer)

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