Home Defense
Insect Killer
Spring is here. With the arrival of the warm weather, so too, come the bugs. They emerge and the wet weather has them looking for shelter, and our homes are perfect. The trouble is, the majority of these uninvited guests are destructive pests. This year, for the first time EVER, we noticed some strange, tiny brown beetles clustering around all our doors and windows. Not sure what they were, but sure we didn't want hem getting in we used Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer around the foundation of the house, around the doors and windows and waited. Within a day is looked like mass graves at the windows and doors. And it was good, too, since we believe those insects were carpet beetles, a destructive bug that infests your home and destroys anything made of natural fibers, like cotton, wool and leather.
Most springs we intercept ants that invade the house, but after forming this insecticide barrier, we haven't seen a single one in the house this year.
This effective and very potent DIY insecticide is available at your local home center, but it appears that AMAZON has the best price for it. It's considered safe to use around humans and most pets, but use caution near aquariums, ponds and reptiles. Not only can you use this without your home, but also within. One application can last from 3 - 12 months depending on how wet the area gets. It comes in a gallon jug with a handy sprayer. I was very impressed with the performance of this product and highly recommend it.
Order it on AMAZON
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