When an old farmer discovers that a bunch of youngsters rented his property to make pornography, violence erupts.
When I first came across this movie, it was described as horror / comedy, while filming a pr0n from the late 70s, I asked the wife if it might interest her. With a description like that, why not?
It starts with the ending, cops swarming all over a crime scene then flashes back to a group showing up at the location. Immediately the owner, a rude old man pulls a gun on them and that set the usual pace. Grumpy old man hates kids, yawn, we get it. Of course, the youngsters forgot to mention to that owner that they planned on filming the Casablanca of porn on his property. Of course the old coot and his wife figure it out and go on a killing spree.
While the movie had some good acting and special effects, and was well made, it was also too long and dull. It wasn't scary. There wasn't much suspense. There was no comedy. It just felt long and drawn out. Amazon has been pushing this ever since it came out. It's great, as a sleeping pill. Not great. Not worth the investment of two plus hours to view.
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