Friday, July 08, 2022

Friday, July 8, 2022

sibylline \SIB-uh-leen\, adjective:
1. Prophetic; oracular.
2. Of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular.
3. Mysterious; cryptic.
Sibylline derives from the Greek Sibylla, any of several prophetesses consulted by ancient Greeks and Romans, of uncertain origin.
Penny it Forward
  • The act of leaving your left over penny or pennies from unwanted change at the counter of a convenient store.
"Mister, don't you want the rest of your change?"
"Nah, just Penny it Forward'"

Sarah Palin Effect 
  • The principal that expertise on a certain subject can be gained through geographical proximity to it
Gov. of Alaska, Sarah Palin, is a proclaimed expert on foreign affairs with Russia due to Alaska`s proximity to Russia and can thus be called the "Sarah Palin Effect"
  • Liberty Bell: was rung to call Philadelphia citizens to the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence (1776)
  • The Wall Street Journal: began publication (1889)
  • Ziegfield Follies: producer Florenz Ziegfield staged his first "follies" on the roof of New York City's New York Theater (1907)
  • Roswell UFO Incident: A report appears in newspaper Roswell Daily Record announcing "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region." (1947)
  • Oklahoma!: the Broadway musical's soundtrack became the first album to go gold (indicating one million sales), as certified by the Recording Industry Association of America (1958)
  • The Soviet Union charged Gary Powers with espionage. He was shot down in a U-2 spy plane (1960)
  • Vietnam War: U.S. troops begin withdrawing from Vietnam. (1969)
  • The Solar Impulse completed the first 24-hour flight by a solar powered plane. (2010)
  • Jean La Fontaine 1621
  • Ferdinand von Zeppelin 1838
  • John D. Rockefeller 1839
  • Louis Jordan 1908
  • Billy Eckstine 1914
  • Faye Emerson 1917
  • Pamela Brown 1918
  • Craig Stevens 1918
  • Harrison Dillard 1923
  • Shirley Ann Grau 1929
  • Roone Arledge 1931
  • Jerry Vale 1932
  • Marty Feldman 1933
  • Steve Lawrence 1935
  • Barbara Loden 1937
  • Faye Wattleton 1943
  • Jeffrey Tambor 1944
  • Johnny Jai Johnson (Allman Brothers Band) 1944
  • Cynthia Gregory 1946
  • Kim Darby 1948
  • Raffi Cavoukian 1948
  • Wolfgang Puck 1949
  • Anjelica Huston 1951
  • Margaret Stowe 1952
  • Marianne Williamson 1952
  • Kevin Bacon 1958
  • Toby Keith 1961
  • Graham Jones 1961 - Musician (Haircut 100)
  • Andy Fletcher 1961 - Musician (Depeche Mode)
  • Rob Burnett 1962
  • Joan Osborne 1962
  • Corey Parker 1965
  • Billy Crudup 1968
  • Beck 1970
  • Drew Womack 1970 - Musician (Sons of the Desert)
  • Kathleen Robertson 1973
    Mindy Vega 1974 (t3h pr0n)
  • Tavis Werts 1977 - Musician (Reel Big Fish)