Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

thwart \THWAWRT\, verb:
1. To oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose.
1. Passing or lying crosswise or across; transverse.
Thwart relates to the Old English theorgh, "cross," though the verb form didn't come into usage until the 1500s. 

voting virginity
the first time you vote after turning 18.
yeah, i turned 18 las year, so this election i can lose my voting virginity
  • Dia De los Muertos (Mexico)
  • North Dakota : became the 39th state; South Dakota became No. 40 on the same day (1889)
  • Balfour Declaration: British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour declared support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" (1917)
  • Spruce Goose: made of birch, not spruce, the largest flying boat was flown on its first and only flight by its designer, billionaire Howard Hughes (1947)
  • Levelland UFO sighting: several separate witnesses in Texas claimed to have seen, late at night, a bright egg-shaped object near which their car engines died (1957)
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover: in Britain, publisher Penguin Books was found not guilty of obscenity for printing the D.H. Lawrence novel (1960)
  • Daniel Boone 1734
  • James Knox Polk (U.S.) 1795
  • Warren G. Harding (U.S.) 1865
  • Paul Ford 1901
  • Burt Lancaster 1913
  • Ray Walston 1914
  • Ann Rutherford 1920
  • Charlie Walker 1926
  • Earl "Speedo" Carroll (The Coasters) 1937
  • Patrick J. Buchanan 1938
  • Jay Black (Jay and The Americans) 1938
  • David Stockton 1941
  • Shere Hite 1942
  • Stefanie Powers 1942
  • Keith Emmerson (ELP) 1944
  • Maxine Nightingale 1953
  • Matt Sorum (Guns N' Roses) 1960
  • k.d. lang 1961
  • Bobby Dall (Poison) 1961
  • Ron McGovney 1962 - Musician (Metallica)
  • David Schwimmer 1966 - Actor ("Friends")
  • Alvin Chea (Take 6) 1967
  • Charlie 'Steele' Pennachio (Linear) 1967
  • Brandi Brandt (Playboy Centerfold 10/87) 1968
  • Nelly 1974 - Pop-rapper
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