Sunday, March 12, 2023


Today started Daylight Savings Time, so that means you SPRING FORWARD and lose and hour of sleep. Ex-Prez GWB changed the dates and, honestly, I really like the change. We used to lose that hour when it was far more precious to me, at the end of March when tax season was at it's worst. At least I can try to make it up during the week.
Today we move our clocks ahead in the USA for daylight savings time. Is it ending or beginning, I can never get straight. All I know is that I lost a valuable hour of sleep during tax season. 

In related news, it's very different for me this year. I don't have a commute anymore, as I am self-employed. Additionally, the word is that this might be the LAST time we change our clocks in the USA. ONE CAN HOPE!

But the end is in sight, and warm weather is upon us!