![Whispers of Death by [AJ Mullican]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/510Y0Rb5V2L.jpg)
Whispers of Death
by AJ Mullican
A woman finds out that there is a battle between good and evil within herself, literally.
On occasion I read erotica. When I do, it's usually paranormal erotica. Recently a friend challenged me to read this book, but the joke was on her, I had already purchased it!
The books starts off with a mentally ill woman who had escaped from a mental institution. In her throes of madness she fell victim to a horrendous rape. The story forwards 28 years when the product of that rape, Sera, awakes from a black-out to find herself straddling the mutilated corpse of a one-night stand. And this wasn't the first time this had happened to her.
Paranormal erotica? WTF is this?
Hang in there. This is NOT the story I was expecting it to be. It's a profound story of friendship, family, love, faith, and redemption. I really don't want to say much more as it would give away the story. What I DO want to say is that this book is well-written, with perfectly developed characters and built on a world that I would love to see more books written about. While the plot-lines all get tied up by the end, there IS a lot of potential for a series of books in this world that AJ Mullican created. It's probably less of paranormal-erotica and more of a horror novel, let's say, and well-worth your time to read.
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