Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

vacuous \VAK-yoo-uhs\, adjective:
  1. showing no intelligence or thought
  2. having no meaning or direction; empty
by 1561, from Latin vacuus "empty, void, free." Figurative sense of "empty of ideas" is from 1848.
  • A self-portrait or a picture with you in it that has the potential to be your default image on myspace/facebook etc.
This picture is so good, TOTAL default potential!
When it comes to animals, what are the nyala, the bongo, the tsessebe, and the sitatunga?
  • Antelopes—all native to Africa.
Today in History:
Today's Birthdays:
Today's Holiday:
  • "At the end of my trial, I was rather hoping the judge would send me to Australia for the rest of my life." — Jeffrey Archer