Monday, January 26, 2009

The Secret to the Success of the Obama Marriage

This will totally pwnz3r your face, just forward to 1:55:

They do WHAT?


Heff said...

I saw that on television, and nearly coughed up a lung when I heard that.

Donna looked at me and said "I don't get it", which of course, made it eve MORE funny.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

It seems to be a guy's joke. All the dudes I know busted a gut when they heard that, but the brawds don't seem to care.

Next I want to hear a slip that Obama teabags his wife, or gives her a Roman Soldier helmet, or a Cleveland steamer, or a David Copperfield, or a Dirty Sanchez...

Imagine for Halloween, "The Obamas are seen here with their blumkin!"