Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

verboten \ver-BOHT-n\, adjective:

  • Forbidden, as by law; prohibited.
Verboten is from German, past participle of verbieten, to forbid, from Middle High German, which derives from Old High German farbiotan.
Grand Theft Impairment
  • The 4-hour period of time that you cannot drive or function in society due to playing Grand Theft Auto. You may have the intention to steal a car, kill innocent people, and/or drive recklessly.
Girl: Hey you wanna come pick me up so we can go to the movies?
Guy: Aww, I wish but I have grand theft impairment, I can come later though.

How many gallons of air does the average adult human inhale daily?
  • More than 3,000.


Berfdays, yo!