Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

evince \ih-VIN(T)S\, transitive verb:

  • To show in a clear manner; to manifest; to make evident; to bring to light.
Evince is from Latin evincere, "to conquer entirely, to prevail over, to prove irresistibly," from e- (here used intensively) + vincere, "to conquer."
oral sex
  • The act of two persons using their mouths to perform sexual intercourse. These two persons can be of the same or opposite sex but they are rarely a married couple.
i got a little piece of heaven last night when i got some sweet oral sex
What U.S. city has three professional sports teams with bird names?
  • Atlanta, Georgia. Its teams are the Hawks (basketball); the Thrashers (hockey); and the Falcons (football). The thrasher is the state bird.
Today's Holiday


Berfdays, yo!