Monday, February 01, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

mondegreen \MON-di-green\, noun:

  • A word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard.
Mondegreen was coined by Sylvia Wright, US writer, from the line laid him on the green, interpreted as Lady Mondegreen, in a Scottish ballad.
Street Creep
  1. A new perjorative term for Wall Street executives who raked in huge bonuses while plunging the world into economic chaos.
  2. A financial advisor who sells Wall Street products on commission.
Did you see the news? Those Street Creeps are taking a private jet to Aruba using our bailout money.
What notorious criminal offered a $10,000 reward—from jail—for information leading to the safe recovery of aviator Charles Lindbergh’s kidnapped son?
  • Gangster Al Capone. Lindbergh’s son, Charles Jr., was 20 months old when he was kidnapped in March 1932. His body was found 10 weeks later.


Berfdays, yo!