Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

temporize \TEM-puh-ryz\, intransitive verb:

  1. To be indecisive or evasive in order to gain time or delay action.
  2. To comply with the time or occasion; to yield to prevailing opinion or circumstances.
  3. To engage in discussions or negotiations so as to gain time (usually followed by 'with').
  4. To come to terms (usually followed by 'with').
Temporize derives from Medieval Latin temporizare, "to pass the time," from Latin tempus, tempor-, "time." It is related to temporary.

Cracked Screen App

  • When you crack your iPhone screen for some reason, but you just keep using it since it still works. It is free to get this app but if you want to get rid of it, you need to pay around $70 to get it fixed.

Tomo: How was the party last night?

Anuj: I got hella drunk last night and I blacked out. I noticed I got the Cracked Screen App on my iPhone when I woke up this morning feeling like P. Diddy.

Where was the first industrial robot put to work?
  • At the General Motors Ternstedt Division plant in Ewing Township, New Jersey, in 1961. The robot, named Unimate, worked on an assembly line, taking hot die castings from machines and also doing welding on auto bodies. After 50 years, the robot was retired. It is now part of the Smithsonian Institution collection.
  • Puerto Rico: became a US territory; its residents gained US citizenship (1917)
  • Bill of Rights: the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution were finally ratified by Massachusetts, 147 years after having gone into effect (1939)
  • B-50 Superfortress: became the first aircraft to fly around the world nonstop, landing in Fort Worth, Texas, after a flight time of 94:01 (1949)
  • Morocco: gained independence from France (1956)